Tagged: XSS

PayPal Mitigates XSS Vulnerability 0

PayPal Mitigates XSS Vulnerability

The PayPal vulnerability was discovered in February 2020 by a security researcher who goes by the name Cr33pb0y, who was paid $2,900 as part of HackerOne’s bug bounty program. Click here for image source...

PwnXSS – Vulnerability XSS Scanner Exploit 0

PwnXSS – Vulnerability XSS Scanner Exploit

A effective XSS scanner made in python 3.7 Installing Requirements: BeautifulSoup4 pip put in bs4 requests pip install requests python 3.7 Instructions: git clone https://github.com/pwn0sec/PwnXSSchmod 755 -R PwnXSScd PwnXSSpython3 pwnxss.py –help Usage Basic use:...