Mariana Trench – Security Focused Static Analysis Tool For Android And Java Applications

AVvXsEgAbrO7ZZxOY1wIwTo 4ast5uTg6 bKACZhjn4IBFzz9YkHS Ua0C72PTySxQu0BNQDSCfnsbmw96WZYgX8GDmU6FVkSj9xL5bH7sqEm8k5WhI1l72o6Pr9HbWBHZl3YurRTGO GUcfiT6PVmBWEf2hh4Q08GsJdner7jSPJIzwueWyAHpvPpM4lPeDaA=w640 h214

Mariana Trench is a security focused static analysis platform targeting Android.

This guide will walk you through setting up Mariana Trench on your machine and get you to find your first remote code execution vulnerability in a small sample app. These instructions are also available at our website.


Mariana Trench requires a recent version of Python. On MacOS you can get a current version through homebrew:

$ brew install python3

On a Debian flavored Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Debian), you can use apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-venv

This guide also assumes you have the Android SDK installed and an environment variable $ANDROID_SDK pointed to the location of the SDK.

For the rest of this guide, we assume that you are working inside of a virtual environment. You can set this up with

$ python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/mariana-trench
$ source ~/.venvs/mariana-trench/bin/activate

The name of the virtual environment in front of your shell prompt indicates that the virtual environment is active.

Installing Mariana Trench

Inside your virtual environment installing Mariana Trench is as easy as running

(mariana-trench)$ pip install mariana-trench

Running Mariana Trench

We’ll use a small app that is part of our documentation. You can get it by running

(mariana-trench)$ git clone
(mariana-trench)$ cd mariana-trench/documentation/sample-app

We are now ready to run the analysis

(mariana-trench)$ mariana-trench 
# ...
INFO Analyzed 68886 models in 4.04s. Found 4 issues!
# ...

The analysis has found 4 issues in our sample app. The output of the analysis is a set of specifications for each method of the application.

Post Processing

The specifications themselves are not meant to be read by humans. We need an additional processing step in order to make the results more presentable. We do this with SAPP PyPi installed for us:

(mariana-trench)$ sapp --tool=mariana-trench analyze .
(mariana-trench)$ sapp --database-name=sapp.db server --source-directory=app/src/main/java
# ...
2021-05-12 12:27:22,867 [INFO] * Running on http://localhost:5000/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

The last line of the output tells us that SAPP started a local webserver that lets us look at the results. Open the link and you will see the 4 issues found by the analysis.

Exploring Results

Let’s focus on the remote code execution issue found in the sample app. You can identify it by its issue code 1 (for all remote code executions) and the callable void MainActivity.onCreate(Bundle). With only 4 issues to see it’s easy to identify the issue manually but once more rules run, the filter functionality at the top right of the page comes in handy.

AVvXsEhI53fCtP6epcchhRfvUCntyp2W yNgH9zYrVtq4 1WZ9e71A9DZbpEzd7QgnQpInBISiBZX7AfHe2seyIriFXWZsbeyO0O0DAMg Bep39naGgJQHD6TVq6p2tfdNKjwXpIjJWaocC4zYByg1G57xtQDrW32gNnwRKKbosS6Sz wsiSyJlYOy8xymlP2w=w640 h220


The issue tells you that Mariana Trench found a remote code execution in MainActivity.onCreate where the data is coming from Activity.getIntent one call away, and flows into the constructor of ProcessBuilder 3 calls away. Click on “Traces” in the top right corner of the issue to see an example trace.

The trace surfaced by Mariana Trench consists of three parts.

The source trace represents where the data is coming from. In our example, the trace is very short: Activity.getIntent is called in MainActivity.onCreate directly.

AVvXsEg0 SIOlBelGYt7qip0EIcJf9G9yuIb Cc9eO2zw KegKxjguVqf7jNvsG aKodqdxWgOqkXHE9XlD6 3W1T w2v2IcF1BGEHwM3RhipmcUHV9sDcChaBrEngBvaXaQuKH1J4KYiQtKMFDPY0eL Lv9INml7X2wZUj k9 6L1 jitwBILpgI7fjYZDsgg=w640 h280

The trace root represents where the source trace meets the sink trace. In our example this is the activitie’s onCreate method.

AVvXsEhF9j7J06jsR9szwo4E6SqhDQ63rd5CQU0pJlVkLWGU8FAGdI1Vjjxow0WXK58EotbaCGnyKYABq debOUdRJr SQjZOkwAEagDpdP1hh9 yFACI c5HPAgn0xMhsNc0tY5Mb25xlVcvCu8qGEopouEXJ6FTKb9jl7RX0Z3Mi1DkD56ryLJLuOPtIfZHg=w640 h190

The final part of the trace is the sink trace: This is where the data from the source flows down into a sink. In our example from onCreate, to onClick, to execute, and finally into the constructor of ProcessBuilder.

AVvXsEicL3PvW hQJH2nYS6oiDObsAe8tl50yu9OlVOXOPiRn5APBgbS9GneJCDcwK5WcGpi4W PLysjD Ixjrr4LbY7dvWV vAMac5t2jG79ETn VQyal9GVNwHKga0a7n0OxiDGpoeKY9IAAYxK akzoxY nK6rwPt7XEf5fgz7pImG7TowdY QEyGMk268g=w640 h474

Configuring Mariana Trench

You might be asking yourself, “how does the tool know what is user controlled data, and what is a sink?”. This guide is meant to quickly get you started on a small app. We did not cover how to configure Mariana Trench. You can read more about that at our website under Configuration.


For an in-depth guide on building from source and development on Mariana Trench, see the Developer’s Guide at our website.

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