SniperPhish – The Web-Email Spear Phishing Toolkit

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SniperPhish is a phishing toolkit for pentester or security professionals to enhance user awareness by simulating real-world phishing attacks. SniperPhish helps to combine both phishing emails and phishing websites you created to centrally track user actions. The tool is designed in a view of performing professional phishing exercise and would be reminded to take prior permission from the targeted organization to avoid legal implications.


  1. Download the source code and put it in your web root folder
  2. Open http://localhost/install in your browser and follow the steps for installation
  3. After installation, open http://localhost/spear to login

Default login – Username: admin Password: sniperphish

Main Features

  • Web tracker code generation – track your website visits and form submissions independently
  • Create and schedule Phishing mail campaigns
  • Combine your phishing site with email campaign for centrally tracking
  • An independent “Simple Tracker” module for quick tracking an email or web page visit
  • Advance report generation – generate reports based on the tracking data you needed
  • Custom tracker images and dynamic QR codes in messages
  • Track phishing message replies


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Creating Web-Email Campaign

We create web tracker -> Add the web tracker to the phishing website -> create mail campaign with a link pointing to the phishing website -> start mail campaign.

Creating a web tracker:

  1. Design your website in your favorite programming language. Make sure you provided unique “id” and “name” value for HTML fields such as text field, checkbox etc.
  2. Generate web-tracker code Web Tracker -> New Tracker. The “Web Pages” tab list the pages you want to track
    • To track form submission data, provide the “id” or “name” values of HTML fields present in your phishing site form.
    • Repeat above for each page in your phishing site.
  3. From the final output, copy the generated JavaScript link and add it under the section of each website page.
  4. Finally, save the tracker created. Now the tracker is activated and listening in the background. Opening your phishing site or data submission is tracked.

Creating an Email campaign:

  1. Go to Email Campaign -> User Group and add target users
  2. Go to Email Campaign -> Sender List and configure Mail server details
  3. Go to Email Campaign -> Email Template and create mail template. When you add your phishing website link, make sure to append ?cid={{CID}} at the end. This is to distinguish each users. For example,{{CID}}
  4. Now go to Email Campaign -> Campaign List -> New Mail Campaign and select/fill the fields to create campaign.
  5. Start Mail campaign

Viewing combined Web-Email Result

Open Web-MailCamp Dashboard -> Select Campaign and select Mail Campaign and Web Tracker you created.

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SniperPhish honors contributions of

Joseph Nygil (@j_nygil) and Sreehari Haridas (@sr33h4ri)


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