FisherMan – CLI Program That Collects Information From Facebook User Profiles Via Selenium

FisherMan 4 template 778269

Search for public profile information on Facebook


# clone the repo
$ git clone

# change the working directory to FisherMan
$ cd FisherMan

# install the requirements
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Make sure you have the executable “geckodriver” installed on your machine.


facebook profiles. (Version 3.4.0) optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit –version Shows the current version of the program. -u USERNAME [USERNAME …], –username USERNAME [USERNAME …] Defines one or more users for the search. -i ID [ID …], –id ID [ID …] Set the profile identification number. –use-txt TXT_FILE Replaces the USERNAME parameter with a user list in a txt. -S USER, –search USER It does a shallow search for the username. Replace the spaces with ‘.'(period). -sf, –scrape-family If this parameter is passed, the information from family members will be scraped if available. –specify {0,1,2,3,4,5} [{0,1,2,3,4,5} …] Use the index number to return a specific part of the page. about: 0,about_contact_and_basic_info: 1,about_family_and_relationships: 2,about_details: 3,about_work_and_education: 4,about_places: 5. -s, –several Returns extra data like profile picture, number of followers and friends. -b, –browser Opens the browser/bot. –email EMAIL If the profile is blocked, you can define your account, however you have the search user in your friends list. –password PASSWORD Set the password for your facebook account, this parameter has to be used with –email. -o, –file-output Save the output data to a .txt file. -c, –compact Compress all .txt files. Use together with -o. -v, -d, –verbose, –debug It shows in detail the data search process. -q, –quiet Eliminates and simplifies some script outputs for a simpler and more discrete visualization. “>

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--version] [-u USERNAME [USERNAME ...] | -i ID
[ID ...] | --use-txt TXT_FILE | -S USER] [-sf]
[--specify {0,1,2,3,4,5} [{0,1,2,3,4,5} ...]] [-s] [-b]
[--email EMAIL] [--password PASSWORD] [-o] [-c] [-v | -q]

FisherMan: Extract information from facebook profiles. (Version 3.4.0)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version Shows the current version of the program.
Defines one or more users for the search.
-i ID [ID ...], --id ID [ID ...]
Set the profile identification number.
--use-txt TXT_FILE Replaces the USERNAME parameter with a user list in a
-S USER, --search USER
It does a shallow search for the username. Replace the
spaces with '.'(period).
-sf, --scrape-family If this parameter is passed, the information from
family members will be scraped if available.
--specify {0,1,2,3,4,5} [{0,1,2,3,4,5} ...]
Use the index number to return a specific part of the
page. about: 0,about_contact_and_basic_info:
1,about_family_and_relationships: 2,about_details:
3,about_work_and_education: 4,about_places: 5.
-s, --several Returns extra data like profile picture, number of
followers and friends.
-b, --browser Opens the browser/bot.
--email EMAIL If the profile is blocked, you can define your
account, however you have the search user in your
fri ends list.
--password PASSWORD Set the password for your facebook account, this
parameter has to be used with --email.
-o, --file-output Save the output data to a .txt file.
-c, --compact Compress all .txt files. Use together with -o.
-v, -d, --verbose, --debug
It shows in detail the data search process.
-q, --quiet Eliminates and simplifies some script outputs for a
simpler and more discrete visualization.

To search for a user:

  • User name: python3 -u name name.profile name.profile2
  • ID: python3 -i 000000000000

The username must be found on the facebook profile link, such as:

It is also possible to load multiple usernames from a .txt file, this can be useful for a brute force output type:

python3 --use-txt filename.txt

Some profiles are limited to displaying your information for any account, so you can use your account to extract. Note: this should be used as the last hypothesis, and the target profile must be on your friends list:

python3 --email --password yourpass

Some situations:

  • For complete massive scrape:

    python3 --use-txt file -o -c -sf

    With a file with dozens of names on each line, you can make a complete “scan” taking your information and even your family members and will be compressed into a .zip at the output.

  • For specific parts of the account:

    • Basic data: python3 -u name --specify 0
    • Family and relationship: python3 -u name --specify 2
    • It is still possible to mix: python3 -u name --specify 0 2
  • To get additional things like profile picture, how many followers and how many friends:

    python3 -u name -s

This tool only extracts information that is public, not use for private or illegal purposes.


BSD 3-Clause © FisherMan Project

Original Creator – Godofcoffe


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